Monday, January 17, 2011

One evening, at dusk, near an alley...

Possession is two thirds of ownership , they do say. And the young ladies of now adays just don’t listen to what the old wives say, “don’t walk about in lonely places, don’t eat fried stuff and go on the road, don’t walk about alone at dusk, don’t walk about alone when you have your periods, and avoid junctions”(1). You’d think a girl would, no matter how modern and cynical, avoid doing all these things at once , would you ? but no, these modern Colombo hussies , PARTICULARLY the ones who call themselves “journalists” are darned stupid in their belief that they know it all and here was little Ms Fredrica doing all five at once!
To be honest in the last 2500 years I have not seen a woman going to this extent to flaunt her availability to demonic possession, she was walking jauntily through an unhygienic alley way(2) , at the bewitching hour of 6.45pm, at an intersection, alone, eating fried prawn crackers out of a paperbag and I could tell, because demons know this sort of thing (3) , that she had her periods. Gahhh. If that didn’t beg the attention of every passing ghoul, prit and general undead entity for miles, nothing would. And there were lots staring at her, but a bit too worried about the iron content of her laptop, to approach. I couldn’t be bothered. I was desperate. I got into her head, and it was good. I had a body, at last. Well, kind of. Its just that she was a really stubborn woman would not accept that she was being possessed.

1 They think these were made up by patriarchal society to enforce unjust restrictions on female advancement. Well, probably, but then there is no smoke without fire, just remember that !!
2 not difficult to find, this was after all Colombo
3 It’s a skill a bit like thermal vision, for which we have special sensors like the Lorenzini ampoules that sharks have, only meaner.


  1. oh my I love this topic on Possession.I always wondered about what grandma used to tell us,and the truth behind it all.This may appear to be fantasy, but I think this is reality..
    You are weaving what is called fantasy to reality so well..
    There is a sense of humor in it all,which shows off your talent in writing..Thankyou for thisxxxxNirosha

  2. so glad you like it, theres much more good stuff to come so pls consider subscribing - you would be the first... xxx back :-)
