it was a weird Saturday. It started being weird when I passed the dustbins at the top of my road, swinging some old bread and chicken hodi at the couple of stray dogs which habitually sat starving there.
I was more than ten feet away when I saw things were different today, and instead of the craven spotted curs that normally hung about sheepishly, there were two black animals who were staring at me with pricked ears and hackles raised from far away. they still looked pathetic but they also looked as if they were staring death in the face. Skin bones and puffed up fur, where they had fur anyway, and instead of running after the food i was offering, they yelped in unison and scrabbled pell mell along an interconnecting lane whining and whimpering in terror, tripping over their knobby legs in an unholy haste to get away from me.
I stood around looking foolish holding this polythene bag with bread ends and chicken bones.
what had I dont different this morning ?
Had some human tried to cull them?
Or was it the new shampoo from Natures Secrets?
I look foolish anyway when i feed neighborhood strays and people have become used to treating me with some condescension, and tongue in cheek tolerance, Im the local journalist after all and the natives usually have a soft spot for journalists...but this was beyond silly.
Well, i couldnt take the chicken bones to office, so I tossed them into the nearest bin and ran to catch the bus.
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